Proxy Protocols
Proxy Groups

Proxy Groups

A proxy group (proxy-groups) is a combination of a series of proxies (or proxy groups). Proxy groups can be referenced by the routing rules just like individual proxies and can specify special strategies to improve availability.

  • Routing rules can directly reference proxies or proxy groups, but cannot reference remote proxy sets.
  • A strategy group can contain multiple proxies or multiple remote proxy sets.
  • A strategy group can contain another strategy group.
  • A strategy group without any proxies will be treated as the DIRECT strategy.
  • The filter field is supported to filter nodes using regular expressions.
  • All proxies and remote proxy sets can be referenced by using include-all: true.

(opens in a new tab)

Proxy Groups


By default, the order of proxies in a strategy group is based on the configuration file. However, you can change it to sort by latency test results on the "Network Settings" page.


url-test can perform connectivity tests on the included proxies at regular intervals and automatically select the server with the shortest latency. Unhealthy proxies will be skipped.

- name: auto
  type: url-test
    - ss1
    - ss2
    - vmess
  interval: 300


fallback attempts to select servers from top to bottom according to the order specified by the user, ensuring that the servers are available. Unhealthy proxies will be skipped.

- name: fallback-auto
  type: fallback
    - ss1
    - ss2
    - vmess


load-balance fully utilizes the bandwidth of multiple proxies. Unhealthy proxies will be skipped.

- name: load-balance
  type: load-balance
  strategy: # consistent-hashing / round-robin
    - ss1
    - ss2
    - vmess

It is generally recommended to set the strategy to consistent-hashing to avoid triggering the server's security policy by frequently changing IP addresses.


select allows users to manually select proxies.

- name: select
  type: select
    - ss1
    - ss2
    - vmess
    - auto


The forwarding chain of proxies, where traffic is forwarded through a series of proxies to reach the destination. Only TCP forwarding is supported. The relay strategy group is not affected by the results of internal proxy latency tests and requires a separate test URL to be specified.

- name: relay
  type: relay
  benchmark-url: # It is recommended to use only HTTP protocol
  benchmark-timeout: 5 # Latency test timeout in seconds
  # Traffic: stash <-> http <-> vmess <-> ss1 <-> ss2 <-> Internet
    - http
    - vmess
    - ss1
    - ss2

Additional Features

Scheduled Latency Tests

By default, Stash performs latency tests on the proxies included in the strategy group every 600 seconds. If the strategy group includes another strategy group, the tests will be performed recursively.

The scheduled latency tests can be modified with the following configurations:

  • interval: The interval in seconds at which the latency tests are performed. The default is 600 seconds. Set it to a negative value to disable the latency tests.
  • lazy: If set to true, and the strategy group has not been used for a period of time, Stash will skip the automatic latency tests to save resources.
  - name: my-proxy-group
    type: select
    # ...
    interval: 300 # Perform the test every 300s
    lazy: true # Skip the latency tests when the strategy group is not used

Automatic Strategy Switching Based on Network Status

The select type strategy group can automatically switch strategies based on the device's SSID / cellular data.

default and cellular are two optional reserved strategies:

  • When in a Wi-Fi environment and no SSID matches, it will automatically switch to the proxy corresponding to default.
  • When using cellular data, it will automatically switch to the proxy corresponding to cellular.
  • If there is no default or cellular, no action will be triggered.
- name: ssid-group
  type: select # The type must be select to be compatible with the original Clash configuration
    - ss1
    - ss2
    - ss3
    - DIRECT
    # Automatically switch to the ss1 strategy when in a Wi-Fi environment with SSID "office"
    # Automatically switch to the ss2 strategy when in a Wi-Fi environment with SSID "home"
    # Automatically switch to the ss3 strategy when using cellular data
    # For other SSIDs, use DIRECT by default
    office: ss1
    home: ss2
    cellular: ss3
    default: DIRECT

Flexible Combination of Proxies

Stash supports various ways to combine multiple proxies into one strategy group.

  • All proxies and remote proxy sets can be referenced by using include-all: true.
  • A strategy group without any proxies will be treated as the DIRECT strategy.
  • The filter field is supported to filter nodes using regular expressions.
  - name: my-hongkong-group
    type: select
    include-all: true # Reference all proxies & proxy-providers
    filter: 'HK|香港' # Filter proxies containing the keywords HK or 香港