Rewrite HTTP

Rewrite HTTP

Users can modify the HTTP requests and responses flowing through Stash via JavaScript scripts.

Configuration Format

    - match: url-you-want-to-match
      name: your-fancy-script
      type: response # request / response
      require-body: true
      timeout: 20
      argument: ''
      binary-mode: false
      max-size: 1048576 # 1MB
    interval: 86400


  • match: The URL regular expression that the script matches.
  • type: The type of script, optional values are request or response.
  • require-body: Whether the request body / response body is needed, processing the body in the script requires more memory space, enable only when necessary.
  • timeout: The script execution timeout, in seconds.
  • argument: The argument when the script is executed, type is string.
  • binary-mode: Binary mode, body will be passed to the script as Uint8Array instead of string.
  • max-size: In bytes, requests with a body size exceeding this will not trigger the script.
Binary mode is only supported in Stash iOS 2.0.2 and later versions.

Request Object

  • $request.url: Request URL
  • $request.method: Request method
  • $request.headers: Request headers
  • $request.body: Request body, only available when require-body: true, can be string or Uint8Array depending on whether binary mode is enabled.

Response Object

  • $request.url: Request URL
  • $request.method: Request method
  • $request.headers: Request headers
  • $response.status: Response status code
  • $response.headers: Response headers
  • $response.body: Response body, only available when require-body: true, can be string or Uint8Array depending on whether binary mode is enabled.



For all scripts, you must call the $done(value) method to release resources at the end.

For scripts of the request type, calling $done(object) can rewrite the HTTP request, object can include the following fields:

  • url: Modify the request URL
  • headers: Modify the request headers
  • body: Modify the request body
  • response: Replace the HTTP response, no longer actually send the HTTP request

You can call $done() to interrupt the request, or $done({}) to not modify any content of the request.

For scripts of the response type, calling $done(object) can rewrite the HTTP response, object can include the following fields:

  • status: Modify the response status code
  • headers: Modify the response headers
  • body: Modify the response body

You can call $done() to interrupt the request, or $done({}) to not modify any content of the response.