Syntax & Interface

Syntax and Interface

Basic Methods

  • $ Script name
  • $script.type: Script type, such as request, response and tile
  • $script.startTime: The time when the script starts running
  • $environment["stash-build"]: Stash Build number
  • $environment["stash-version"]: Stash version number
  • $environment.language: Stash running language
  • $environment.system: Stash running system (iOS / macOS)
  • $argument: Running parameters
  • $done(value): End the script run and release resources
  • $, subtitle, body): Send iOS notification
  • console.log(value): Output log, script log will be output to a separate file
  • setTimeout(callback, delay): Delay execution of callback function



For all scripts, you must call the $done(value) method to release resources at the end.

Persistent Storage

  • $persistentStore.write(value, key): Write to persistent storage
  • $ Read from persistent storage

HTTP Client

  • $httpClient.get(url<String>, callback<Function>)
  • $httpClient.get(request<Object>, callback<Function>)

Similarly, there are:

  • $
  • $httpClient.put()
  • $httpClient.delete()
  • $httpClient.head()
  • $httpClient.options()
  • $httpClient.patch()

The request timeout is 5 seconds. You can specify the proxy used for the request by setting X-Stash-Selected-Proxy, or enable binary mode by setting binary-mode, for example:

$httpClient.get('', (error, response, data) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
const yourProxyName = 'a fancy name with 😄'
    url: '',
    headers: {
      'X-Header-Key': 'headerValue',
      'X-Stash-Selected-Proxy': encodeURIComponent(yourProxyName),
    body: '{}', // can be object or string
    timeout: 5,
    insecure: false,
    'binary-mode': true,
    'auto-cookie': true,
    'auto-redirect': true,
  (error, response, data) => {
    if (error) {
    } else {